Canada’s Favourite Caesar Mix!
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We offer 4 amazing flavours of Caesar Mix – Mildly Spiced, Spicy, Smokin’ and Vegan!
The perfect Caesar starts with the perfect mix. Singers Caesar Mix has created four incredible flavours to tempt every palate. From Mildly Spiced to Smokin’ you will find a taste that is sure to please.
Not just for cocktails! Our Caesar Mixes are great for cooking too! The savoury, spicy, delicious flavours of our mixes are perfect in stews, soups and sauces. Use them as a marinade for beef or pork, or pour them over a rack of ribs and slow cook them to perfection!
Tasty AND healthy. All our Caesar Mixes have no MSG additives, are Gluten-free, and lower in sodium than others on the market. Our Vegan Caesar Mix is also sugar-free. All our mixes are produced in craft small batches, in glass bottles, and do not contain preservatives, artificial flavours or colours. Now that’s something to drink to!

The Mildly Spiced Caesar Mix, contains just enough ‘heat’ to make it enjoyable for those who would prefer a milder Caesar drink. It delivers a nice little kick, which is important to all Caesar lovers, and still maintains that delicious Caesar flavour!

The Spicy Caesar Mix has been mixed with enough hot sauce and chili pepper extract to satisfy lovers of a spicier/hotter version of a Caesar drink. You won’t be disappointed! If you desire more spice – add a spicy bean or two to your Caesar, or try some using hot sauce, which complements our Spicy Caesar Mix beautifully!

Our newest flavour is Smokin’ Caesar Mix!. It contains a hint of smoky flavour, which comes from smoking peppers. It has a mild delicious flavour, and had become our best seller!

Finally, a Vegan Caesar Mix! Our Vegan Caesar Mix contains all-natural ingredients as well and is beautifully spiced! It has a delicious Caesar flavour, without the shellfish AND, it’s sugar-free, thanks to the addition of Date Puree! We know you will love it!